Looking back at the year end holidays, I found out that much of my time that got lost was my unhealthy behaviour with my devices. I usually get distracted by social media too easily, then I was exploring adult-rated videos (I shall not bother to go into details as this is a bit too sensitive of an issue for me that I am trying to work around it) and got hooked on an anime series known as "Detective Conan".

As I was wondering why I am so attached to this anime, I think it is because I find the boy detective in the anime cute, so I wanted to continue watching his stories and adventures as I anticipate how he will react to it.
I don't know why but he looks very huggable... ^w^
Anyway, yes I tend to get carried away especially when I start on an anime or drama series. Most of them are designed encourage me to watch all the way till the end and I should have known that very well. But, without a more satisfying way to spend my time, I end up watching these shows anyway.
I am also alarmed by the fact that so much of my activities take place online and I cannot do without using any of my devices for even one day at home. This caused me to feel more insecure about the fact that whether I am consuming too much of digital media and getting lost in all the files and web pages that I start to lose control of my life.
Asides from all these unhealthy levels and uses of screen time, I have lost the inspiration from maintaining this blog too.
When I really start to reflect about this, I find that the first time I started blogging was because my father wanted me to improve my writing and use the blog as a space where I can experiment with different styles and expressions. I have pretty much gave up on that when I succumbed to the joy of watching more and more episodes of anime or watch more and more people's Instagram stories.
Many years later, I wanted to reconnect with the sense of satisfaction I get from finishing a blog post, and playing around with different ideas on how to make my blog posts more interesting, just like how I played around with the different functions to create my Instagram stories. Maybe it was because of all the dopamine that I experience when I engage in entertainment activities on my devices, I could no longer feel inspired to write another entry.
Well... I finally realised all about this when I tried to keep pace with my productivity habits (such as writing a diary entry everyday and updating my calendars) and when I start to set revision goals for myself.
Moving on from my devices, I should actively seek out activities that are less reliant on my usage of devices. One way I tried out was to keep a notebook for each of the subjects I study so that I would not need to open up a new Word document or Google Doc to take down some notes.
I should also focus on activities that would do my some good, such as putting in more effort to maintain this blog. I can experiment with the use of multimedia, or fuse it with some of my revision activities to make mugging more fun.
The journey of a better blog, starts with a single step of deciding to do something for this blog. Yes, I am going to start today!
In the meantime, I can escape from the ranting and the endless feed of news from social media, and explore the various blogs out there. I am sure it will help me open my eyes to many more things than being stuck with my friends and just chatting with one another.
I know all the grammar, vocabulary and expression would not make sense in the first few posts, but I am determined that my language will start to improve if I take the trouble to write more things.
In the future, if I ever start to lose steam while blogging, I will re-energize myself with this article on the benefits of blogging:
This year 2019, let the blogging begin!