Wednesday 28 October 2020

Inspirations from Habiticians! (and official release of new blog!)

Habitica Crossover: Issue #2

What makes Habitica so great is its diverse community of players who want to get things done. In the time since I restarted using Habitica this year, I have found myself in a guild where I stayed active for some time. In addition, I have tried out some challenges and used the guilds and taverns to find out more about the awesome people they have there.

I was involved in a guild named as “Inspiration Station”. What it mainly does is to allow members to uplift each other by sharing quotes, poems and stories. The guild master motivates everyone to do so by giving out gems. I received some too, but the amount of gems I have is so little that it is not quite enough to get anything. In addition to the gems, the appreciation given by others through their likes and replies really boosted my morale and drove me to commit more time in searching or coming up with good quotes.

However, as the length of my posts became longer and I can’t quite seem to make up my mind on how many quotes I should share, I have since shifted my attention to maintaining a quote blog, on which I lovingly create collections of quotes. Link to blog here: 

Hence, this guild master soon became my inspiration.

That level was simply crazy! It is quite rare to meet someone who has exceeded level 100! Each level requires easily hundreds to thousands of experience points. I cannot imagine how many tasks this person has to check off to get to this stage.

I also looked around in the tavern to get to know some strangers. Many of their profiles have their life stories and some of their achievements was mind-blowing. But before that, allow me to introduce the one behind the well-known “Use Case Spotlights” guild and the column that goes by the same name on the official Habitica blog.  Their posts could easily reach many Habitica users.

I was amazed by the number of blogs and book reads shanaqui maintains. And I saw some lingo that I have not encountered before. Time to search up on these! Part of the fun about playing games, even on gamified productivity platforms like Habitica, is that you feel like you feel good about learning new “made-up” things even though these have no bearing in the real world (unless the community of famers become large enough or the game interesting itself for people to attach value to it; then the game becomes more of a commodity than a pastime).

I did not know that profiles can become so colourful that they put a smile on your face. It seemed like many Habiticians have many things going on for them. For me, I have the same situation too. I definitely have enough things to do and habits to maintain to get myself to level 100!

Back to the amazing users I discovered while scrolling through the Tavern.

It seems like the profiles I stumbled upon (I chose tiered users and high level ones to find out more about) usually present themselves as solo players or guild leaders. Maybe being in a party may not be as common as I thought.

This Habitician is a legend because of what comes next in the profile.

Through this serving wench's being overwhelmingly above my current level, and reaching heights that I have not even imagined before, I now learn that when one’s level is sufficiently high (maybe at 100?), one can rebirth and choose another class (be it a mage, warrior, rogue or healer). And it is kind of daring to start from all over again just for a class switch in order to get limited edition equipment. Just HOW NICE are these pixels?

On a side note, that pink coloured tree must be the beautiful cherry blossoms that stand to be admired during spring. Unfortunately, there are not quite enough pixels to faithfully recreate the shape of the sakura flower.

To sum up, I could not have sustained myself on Habitica for long without these amazing people. Unfortunately, the stats and characters that aim to simulate a role-playing game are too superficial to imbue much meaning to checking off your task, and not many challenges have stories that are interesting enough to get people hooked to fulfilling their tasks and acquire their next purpose in life.

Habitica tip:

By the way, I have found a handy way to get to a Habitician’s profile quickly. Get on the mail feature and type in the username whose profile you find more about. Once you enter the mailbox, you will be able to see the profile of that username.

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